Devrim Erbil

1927 yılında İstanbul'da doğdu. 1951 yılında İstanbul Devlet Güzel Sanatlar Akademisi'ni (şimdiki adıyla Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi) bitirdi. 1955 yılında Avrupa Konkuru'nu kazanarak devlet bursuyla gittiği Paris'te Andre Lhote, Henri Goetz, Hayter ve Emilio Vedova Atölyeleri’nde çalıştı. Boyanın lekesel değerlerine bağlı bir etkinlik düzeyinde başlattığı, daha sonra mekansal bir illüzyon çerçevesinde yeni bir boyutla kişilikçi yönünü netleştirdiği soyut-minimal resimlerinde, yüzey-mekan, düzlem-espas gibi temel kavramları sorgular, bu kavramların sanatsal içerik bakımından sağlayacağı yeni değerleri gündemde tutar. Türk resminde 1950’li yıllarda erken örneklerini gördüğümüz soyutçu anlayış, Adnan Çoker’in kişiliğinde tipik temsilcilerinden birini bulur. İstanbul’da yaşamakta ve çalışmaktadır.


Eyüboğlu entered the İstanbul Academy of Fine Arts with the encouragement of his art teacher Zeki Kocamemi at Trabzon High School. He studied under Nazmi Ziya and İbrahim Çallı. In 1930, he left for Paris and studied painting with André Lhote. In 1934, he participated in the fourth exhibition of the D Group. He opened his first solo exhibition in Bucharest and won third place at the Academy competition in 1934. Meanwhile, he also translated books and worked at the Tekel General Directorate. Eyüboğlu won first place at the diploma competition in 1936. He participated in the Contemporary Turkish Art Exhibition organized is Moscow. In 1937, he became the assistant of Léopold Lévy. He toured Anatolia as part of the cultural policies of the Republican Party. After the 1940s, he turned towards murals. In 1947, Eyüboğlu opened a private studio and a gallery in İstanbul. In 1950, he organized a retrospective exhibition in Ankara. While in Paris, Eyüboğlu studied the art of primitive tribes. He wrote numerous poetry books as of 1941. In his essays and travel writings, he expressed his views on folk culture and folk art. He died in İstanbul on 21 September 1975.

Selected Works As Part of Achitecture:

  • 1943 Ortaköy Lido swimming pool mural
  • 1956-57 Levent Quarter mosaic panel
  • 1958 International Brussels Exhibition, panel of the Turkish Pavilion
  • 1959 Paris, panel of the NATO Headquarters
  • 1959 Samatya Hospital mosaic panel
  • 1961 Two panels in the Karmel Kellogs mansion in the U.S.
  • 1963 Mosaic panels of İstanbul Drapers Bazaar
  • 1963 Karaköy Tatlıcılar relief
  • 1967 Ankara Marmara Hotel pebble stone floor mosaic
  • 1970 KLM panel
  • 1970 Glass window composition at the Embassy of Turkey in Bonn
  • 1971 Ceramic panel at the Bursa branch of Osmanlı Bankası
  • 1972 Istanbul Vakko Factory relief and concrete fencing


Eserleri / Works