- Sergi Pazartesi hariç her gün 11:00 – 19:00 saatleri arasında ziyaret edilebilir.
Galatalı was born as the sixth child of a family in Arhavi. His love of art developed with the influence of his high school art teacher Kayıhan Keskinok. He had to interrupt his training in architecture due to meningitis. A drug he used during treatment caused him to lose his hearing. In 1957, Galatalı arrived in İstanbul where he met Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu and began working on mosaics. He took up a position at Ruzin Gerçin’s interior design office in 1959 and executed seven mosaic panels at the İstanbul’s Town Hall. In 1962, he began working at Taylan Ceramic Factory and in 1967, he opened his first studio in Kireçburnu. He was awarded first prize at the Vallauris-France International Ceramic Biennial in 1972 and his work was made part of the permanent collection of the Vallauris Modern Ceramic Museum. In 1984, he was chosen as the Artist of the Year by Ankara Art Association. He and his wife Filiz Özgüven Galatalı introduced the theory of “Moving Organic Surface.” Galatalı died on 25 May 1994.